Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Okuma Beach

Last Sunday (May 4th) we drove up north to check out the Okuma Beach Carnival. It was held at a beach resort/recreation facility about 50 miles from the base. A lot of events are held there throughout the year and they have camping sites too, so we figured we would check it out! Unfortunately, what we thought would be a hour's drive took just over 3 hours... yikes! Bad traffic had piled up on the main highway/toll road that afternoon, so we didn't get to the beach until 3pm or so. We had some pretty decent Thai food from the vendors... actually, it probably tasted better than it was because we were so hungry from the long drive, haha. By the time we finished eating, the weather started to get a little chilly, so we didn't do any swimming while we were there. But the beach was gorgeous and we were able to see a lot of the island during our drive. I'm starting to see why they call Okinawa the "Hawaii of Japan". :)

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