Monday, August 11, 2008


Ahhh AFN... the good old Armed Forces Network providing entertainment for military audiences around the world. Woohoo!! Of course, the sports channel is our favorite, even though you can get updates on games from before they are shown here, but oh well. The time difference is only 1 hour from here to Beijing and we're still seeing the Olympics late, so don't think we're lucky :) If we really want to catch a favorite show from the states, we do have a Slingbox (much thanks to Schan's parents) that allows us to watch US television through our computer, so I DVR the shows that I don't want to miss. Isn't technology great??

Anyway, that being said, I doubt that I will ever get through even 30 minutes of AFN viewing time without bursting out laughing. Why?? Well, instead of the commercials that you see stateside, AFN inserts public service announcements on various subjects, usually dealing with public health, safety, anti-terrorism, pride in military service, sexual harassment "no-no's" and other messages to the troops. Yeah, this all sounds okay, but you just have to experience some of these ads to see what I mean, haha. Here are a few of my favorites....

I'm a styrofoam cup yo... :)

Don't forget to wash those hands!

This is an old one, but they have several updated GI Jerome ads that air several times a day here. He has a lot to say about camping and hiking safety in the newest one! ;)

1 comment:

Cindi said...

LOL, these crack me up! Sadly we are the ones left to watch them EVERYDAY.