Friday, June 20, 2008

Video blog... from the roof!

I'm not going to write much here, because the video pretty much says it all. I apologize for the shakiness towards the end... the hand strap on my camera became loose and so the camera action goes a little crazy for awhile while I tried to fix it. Sorry! Oh also.... I forgot to mention some of the funny car names we've seen here in Okinawa, so I will make a list of my top 10 favorite names and post them on my blog later :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I enjoy seeing where you spend you time. Don't overdo the sunning. :) Judy

Amanda N said...

Thanks for sharing!!!! Hmmm could you imagine climbing those stairs after drinking a few...

Carmen D. said...

I know... that ladder makes me nervous. If I had small children it would be blocked off somehow. We're having a 4th of July BBQ this weekend with drinks and all that jazz. Hopefully the boys will behave and be safe!